ご覧いただきありがとうございます。❤︎コレクション用バービー Fairy of the Forest™ Barbie® Doll❤︎バービー の説明Barbie® doll looks enchanting as a beautiful fairy, shimmering in an iridescent gown of blue, purple and green. Her fitted bodice gives way to a sheer, flowing skirt that sweeps the ground. Golden cords adorn her legs, and golden highlights add special touches. Delicately colored and dusted with golden glitter, her magnificent wings provide the perfect ethereal touch. And just like a "real" fairy, Barbie® has pointed ears.Edition: Collector EditionCollection: The Enchanted World of Fairies™ CollectionRelease Date: 1/1/2000❤︎ゆうパック発送ご不明点があればコメントよろしくお願いいたします。バービー 人形Barbiedoll
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